Krakow Pub Crawl

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Cultural Deep Dive – Festivals and Traditions and Pub Crawl

Local Festivals Krakow’s cultural scene is vibrant and diverse, and I was lucky enough to experience some of its most exciting festivals. Wianki, the midsummer festival, was a spectacle of music, dance, and fireworks. The entire city seemed to come alive with celebrations along the Vistula River. The girls made wreaths from flowers and floated them down the river, a tradition meant to bring good fortune. I went with all the Polish lads to collect these flowers and to find a Polish girl. However, Kasia wasn’t too happy that I participated. Maybe the summer fling is over. Traditional Practices One of the best ways to understand a culture is through its traditions. I participated in a pierogi-making workshop, where I learned to make these delicious dumplings from scratch. However, I accidentally dropped all of mine on the ground, which didn't worry me so much as I'm pretty sure they were inedible. The instructor's dog, however, loved them. The instructor shared hers with me as I had given her doggo such a good lunch. Making pierogi gave me a hands-on understanding of Polish cuisine, its importance in local culture and it was surprisingly very fun. Click here to make your own  Another tradition I enjoyed was the Polish toast, "Na zdrowie!" (Cheers!). It’s more than just a phrase; it’s a way to connect with people and celebrate together. I quickly adopted this tradition, and it became a regular part of our nights out, whether we were enjoying a quiet evening or participating in a lively Pub Crawl.  We have spoken about the pub crawl so many times in other blog posts so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that I keep raving on and on about it. The Pub Crawls are just so much fun! Ive been on approximately 20 of them by now and because of the never ending new people I get to meet and the crazy amount of fun we have, they never get boring!I I even found a new love for a combination of beer and flavored Polish vodka called żubrówka. Shoeys, which obviously involve drinking beer from a shoe, and beer funnels, also known as beer bongs, added to the wild antics of the night. We visited several pubs and clubs, each with its unique atmosphere, from cozy traditional Polish pubs to vibrant modern clubs. The Krakow pub crawl is not just about drinking; it’s about experiencing the city's nightlife and meeting people from all over the world as I said previously. As always though running the games and still being the undefeated champion of beer pong is my personal highlight. Interactive Experiences Krakow offers plenty of opportunities for interactive cultural experiences. I joined a folk dance class, where I learned some traditional Polish dances. The class was full of energy, and although I'm not a very good dancer I still had a blast. Learning the dances was a fun way to connect with Polish culture and meet locals who were eager to share their traditions. Click here to Folk Dance Friendships Formed My circle of friends continued to grow. Jeep, Afro, and I were joined by two more fantastic people: Sasha and Mofie. Sasha was the responsible one in our group, always making sure we stayed out of trouble. But every now and then, we managed to convince him to let loose and join our antics. Mofie, an Egyptian like Afro, loved to gamble. Despite his terrible luck, he always dragged us to the casino for some wild nights. His enthusiasm was contagious, and even though he usually lost, we always had a great time. Mostafa played blackjack so badly he says purposely but perhaps he was just very drunk. Anyway one night he kept hitting even when he had card totals like 18. He played so poorly that the dealer actually let him retract his bet, only to lose it all shortly after. These nights out, whether it was a casual evening or a Krakow pub crawl, were filled with laughter and unforgettable memories. Personal Reflections Experiencing these festivals and traditions made me feel more connected to Krakow. I was no longer just a tourist; I was becoming part of the community. These cultural experiences enriched my understanding of the city and its people, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it all. Participating in local traditions and festivals gave me a unique perspective on Krakow’s rich cultural tapestry. The vibrant Wianki festival event added a new layer to my understanding of the city. The pub crawl however, still the highlight of my time in Krakow. They provided a unique opportunity to explore the city’s nightlife, meet new people, and enjoy the local pub culture in a relaxed and fun environment. More Polish Words As I immersed myself in the culture, I picked up more useful phrases: Na zdrowie! - Cheers! Dobra robota - Good job Gdzie jest toaleta? - Where is the toilet? These phrases helped me connect with locals and navigate the city more easily. Learning the language, even just a few phrases, added another layer of depth to my cultural experience in Krakow. Anticipation for What’s Next With each festival and tradition, my love for Krakow grew deeper. I couldn’t wait to see what else the city had in store for me. The Krakow party scene, with its vibrant nightlife and welcoming atmosphere, was a constant source of excitement and joy. Whether it was a casual evening with friends or a wild night on a pub crawl, Krakow always had something new and exciting to offer. Stay tuned for Blog 7, where I share practical tips for future travelers, from accommodation to language tips, and reflect on my most memorable moments! My journey through Krakow is far from over, and I’m eager to continue exploring this incredible city.And as always if you want to join the fun Click Here!

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Krakow Romance - Fun and Laughter

Romantic Moments As my days in Krakow flew by, I found myself growing closer to Kasia, the receptionist at Let’s Rock Hostel. Her charming smile and infectious laugh had quickly become the highlight of my days. So one evening I decided to ask her out, and you’d never believe this as I am one unfortunate looking fella, she said yes!  We started our date with a stroll through Planty Park, The belt surrounding the Old Town. It was perfect, the atmosphere and scenery made it feel pretty damn romantic. Although looking back on it maybe it wasn’t so much for her as shes lived in this city her whole life haha….Anyway as we walked, we talked effortlessly about everything and anything. Felt like i’d known her for years. Effortless communication at its finest.  A little about the Planty Park, with its ancient trees and historical statues, provided an idyllic backdrop. The gentle rustling of leaves and the soft glow of street lamps created a rather enchanting ambiance.  Shared Experiences  Kasia introduced me to some of her favorite spots in Krakow. We visited the Vistula River, where we sat on the banks and watched the sunset. The sky painted a stunning canvas of orange and pink, reflecting off the water. The tranquility of the moment was punctuated by the distant sounds of city life, creating a perfect harmony.  Our adventures didn't stop at the riverbank. Kasia took me to the Kazimierz district, known for its vibrant Jewish culture and trendy cafes. The streets were alive with music, art, and the aroma of delicious food. We wandered through cobblestone alleys, discovering hidden gems like the Isaac Synagogue and the colorful murals that adorned the walls. Each visit to Kazimierz felt like stepping into a different era, and experiencing it with Kasia made it even more magical. One of our favorite spots quickly became Café Camelot, a cozy café with an old-world charm. We would often end our evenings there, savoring delicious cakes and enjoying the intimate ambiance. The café's warm lighting and vintage decor provided the perfect setting for deep conversations and stolen glances. Kasia's eyes would light up whenever she talked about her dreams of opening her own café one day, and I found myself imagining a future where we could make that dream a reality together. We also had our share of lively nights. I took Kasia to Prozak 2.0, a popular club known for its electrifying atmosphere and eclectic music. To my surprise, Kasia turned out to be an incredible dancer. Her energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and we spent hours on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm and each other's company. Every moment with her was a delightful surprise, and I was falling for her more each day. Krakow’s Challenges Navigating a relationship in a foreign country came with its own set of challenges. The language barrier was sometimes frustrating, but Kasia was patient and helped me improve my Polish. She would laugh at my mispronunciations and gently correct me, turning each mistake into a learning opportunity. Our language lessons became a fun and bonding activity, filled with laughter and encouragement. Cultural differences also led to some amusing misunderstandings. For instance, I learned the hard way that punctuality is highly valued in Poland, and being late (even by a few minutes) is considered rude. There was one instance when I arrived late to meet Kasia for dinner. She was visibly annoyed, and it took some time for me to understand the cultural significance of my tardiness. That experience taught me the importance of being respectful and mindful of local customs. Navigating these challenges made me more adaptable and resilient. I learned to approach each situation with an open mind and a sense of humor, knowing that every experience was a chance to grow and learn. Personal Growth These experiences were shaping me in ways I hadn’t expected. I was learning to navigate new social norms, improving my language skills, and becoming more adaptable. My relationship with Kasia was teaching me patience and understanding, and my adventures with Jeep and Afro were pushing me out of my comfort zone. Spending time with Kasia also made me more aware of the importance of communication and compromise in a relationship. We had our disagreements, but each one was an opportunity to understand each other better and grow closer. Kasia's patience and willingness to work through our differences made me appreciate her even more. My friendship with Jeep and Afro also played a crucial role in my personal growth. They were always there to support me, whether it was helping me navigate a tricky situation or simply sharing a laugh. Their friendship gave me a sense of belonging and made my time in Krakow even more memorable. More Polish Words As my confidence in Polish grew, I picked up more phrases that brought me closer to Kasia and the local culture. Here are a few of my favorites: Lubię cię - I like you Chodźmy na randkę - Let’s go on a date Czy mogę cię pocałować? - Can I kiss you? Dziękuję - Thank you Przepraszam - Sorry Proszę - Please Learning these phrases helped me connect with people on a deeper level and showed my appreciation for their culture. It was rewarding to see the smiles on their faces when I spoke their language, even if it was just a few words. Anticipation for What’s Next With each passing day, I felt more connected to Krakow and the people around me. I looked forward to spending more time with Kasia, exploring more of the city’s hidden gems, and continuing my adventures with Jeep and Afro. I was excited to discover more about Krakow's rich history, vibrant culture, and the stories that made this city so unique. Stay tuned for Blog 6, where I dive into Krakow’s festivals and traditions, and introduce you to the rest of my wild crew. From the colorful celebrations of Wianki to the somber reflections at Auschwitz, each experience will add a new layer to my journey. I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you!  

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Midway Adventures – Day Trips and Hidden Gems

Midway Adventures – Day Trips and Hidden Gems Day Trips Midway through my stay in Krakow, I decided it was time to explore a bit more and take some tours. So I went to the reception at Lets rock party hostel and booked the top two tours they had. Literally went “book me on the top two tours for tomorrow”.. and then I went on the Pub Crawl. Faced a small regret when I had to wake up at 6am but we pushed on!  My first stop was the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This remarkable place, located just a short drive from Krakow, is a labyrinth of underground tunnels, chapels, and sculptures all carved from salt. The mine has been in operation for over 700 years!  Upon entering the mine, I was immediately struck by the cool, damp air and the sense of descending into another world. Much like the movie where the Rock went to the center of the world haha..I digress. The tour began with a long wooden staircase that took us deep into the earth. As we moved through the tunnels, our guide shared stories about the miners who worked there, their daily lives, and the challenges they faced. The tour by this point had already pleasantly exceeded my expectations. I didn’t check reviews or know what I was walking into so when I saw a church right there underground I was blown away! Definitely the highlight of the visit. The church is named the Chapel of St. Kinga, a breathtaking underground church that looked like something out of a fairy tale. Every detail, from the chandeliers to the altars, was carved from salt. The chapel's grandeur and the artistry involved in its creation left me very impressed. The intricate carvings and the sheer scale of the chapel are a testament to the miners' devotion and craftsmanship. Additionally, there were numerous sculptures and carvings throughout the mine, depicting scenes from Polish history and mythology. Another notable stop was the underground lake, which had an almost ethereal quality with its crystal-clear water and the gentle lighting that illuminated the salt walls. The tour ended with a visit to the museum, where I learned more about the geological aspects of the mine and the various techniques used in salt extraction. I wasn’t expecting all that much and wow it delivered! Auschwitz-Birkenau Next, I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, and again I had no idea where I was going, if I had known I probably would have asked for a different tour because I really hate being sad and I definitely didn’t want to pay to be sad. However it was a deeply moving and somber experience that provided a stark reminder of the atrocities of World War II and well worth the visit and the watery eyeballs. It is located about an hour’s drive from Krakow, Auschwitz is a site of immense historical significance and a place for reflection and remembrance. Walking through the grounds, I felt a mix of sorrow and reverence, grateful for the chance to pay my respects and learn more about this dark chapter in history. The guided tour was comprehensive, covering both Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. In Auschwitz I, the brick barracks now house museum exhibits that tell the story of the Holocaust through photographs, personal belongings, and documents. Seeing the piles of shoes, suitcases, and other personal items left behind by the victims was particularly heart-wrenching. At Birkenau, the scale of the camp was overwhelming. The remains of the wooden barracks, the gas chambers, and the crematoria stood as silent witnesses to the horrors that occurred there. The vastness of the camp, with its rows upon rows of barbed wire and watchtowers, was a sobering reminder of the systematic nature of the genocide. The experience at Auschwitz-Birkenau was emotionally challenging but profoundly important. It reinforced the necessity of remembering and educating future generations about the Holocaust to ensure that such atrocities are never repeated. Now after such an experiance Its definietly time to go back to Let's Rock and grab a beer, maybe even join the Pub Crawl.    Hidden Gems Baron Shisha Bar Back in Krakow, I continued my quest to find the city’s hidden gems. One evening, I stumbled upon the Baron Shisha Bar, tucked away in a quiet alley. This cozy spot quickly became one of my favorite places to unwind. The bar had a relaxed, intimate vibe with plush cushions and soft lighting, making it perfect for relaxing after a day of sightseeing. The shisha flavors were diverse, and the staff made excellent recommendations based on my preferences. I tried a mix of fruity and traditional flavors, each one offering a unique experience. The bar also served a selection of teas and cocktails that complemented the shisha perfectly. It was a great place to meet fellow travelers and locals, share stories, and soak in the ambiance of Krakow’s nightlife. Really Good Food Krakow’s culinary scene continued to impress me with its variety and quality. I discovered Restauracja Cechowa, a spot near the main square that served traditional Polish dishes. The rustic decor and warm atmosphere made it a delightful place to enjoy a meal. My favorite dish was the pierogi, which came with various fillings. But my all time best filling had to be mushrooms and sauerkraut and the funny thing is I’m not a fan of these ingredients at the best of times. For coffee and dessert, I have to say Café Camelot, this place is well known for its cakes and quaint, artistic ambiance. The cakes were super good, with options ranging from rich chocolate tortes to light and fluffy cheesecakes. I definitely came here way too often, evident by my expanding belly! But hey, I'm on holiday!  More Polish Words With every interaction, my Polish vocabulary expanded: Jak się masz? - How are you? Gdzie jest...? - Where is...? Ile to kosztuje? - How much does it cost? Pomocy! - Help! Learning these phrases helped me communicate and connect more with the locals and made my experiences more immersive. Even though there is a lot of english spoken in Krakow I think my efforts are generally appreciated and often led to friendly conversations and more recommendations.  

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The Rhythm of the Night – Joining Let’s Rock Hostel

Krakow Night Life Krakow, a city known for its rich history and vibrant culture, had me hooked from the moment I arrived. But what truly set it apart from all the other countries I'd previously visited was its nightlife. Settling into Let’s Rock Hostel was like diving headfirst into a never-ending party. From my favorite clubs to unforgettable friendships my Krakow journey was just beginning. Club Recommendations Krakow’s nightlife is something else, lads. After settling into Let’s Rock Hostel, I couldn’t wait to get stuck in. Prozak 2.0 quickly became my favorite. The underground club with multiple levels, different rooms offering a mix of techno, house, and hip-hop. You could get lost in this club! And the first few times I visited I really did. Every night felt like an adventure and the best part... It stays open very very late! Not surprising with the saying “Don’t forget to go home” written in neon lights on the wall. La Bodega Del Ron was another goodie, especially if you're into Latin music. The place was alive with vibrant energy and cheap drinks. The rhythmic beats of salsa and reggaeton kept everyone moving, creating an atmosphere that was impossible to resist. The bartenders were friendly, always ready with a recommendation for a new drink to try. And let’s not forget Let’s Sing, the hostel's karaoke spot. It was always packed with enthusiastic singers, and belting out "Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan (despite my terrible singing voice) became a highlight of my nights. The karaoke nights often turned into impromptu dance parties, with everyone joining in the fun. The camaraderie among the hostel guests was infectious, making every night memorable. Party Etiquette Navigating Krakow’s nightlife has its own set of rules. Here are a few tips I picked up along the way: Pace Yourself: Polish vodka is strong. Take it slow because when it hits you don’t want to be 10 shots down before you feel it. Even if you’re not mixing drinks this can still end a night out. Respect the Locals: Always be polite and mindful of the locals. A little respect goes a long way. Just remember you’re a guest in their country. Bouncers: Polish bouncers are not your friends, don’t talk to them. And I mean that with sincerity. They are there to keep order which normally means kicking out drunk tourists. Stay with the Group: Especially during pub crawls, sticking with your group ensures you don’t get lost. In saying that it is quite hard to lose the pub crawl as they have an umbrella to follow and many guides who walk around letting you know how long you have in each club and the timing for leaving. Mind Your Belongings: Like any city, keep an eye on your stuff to avoid losing anything valuable. Pickpocketing can be an issue, especially in crowded places. Drugs: Drugs are very illegal in Krakow and will get you into a lot of trouble with the local police. Best not to put yourself through that kind of risk. The penalties are severe, and it's simply not worth the trouble. New Job and New Friends Life took an interesting turn when I started working at Let’s Rock Hostel. The job was a blast, helping run nightly events and occasionally meaning the reception desk. It was a fantastic way to meet people from all over the world. Plus, I got to see how to keep the party going strong behind the scenes. One of the first mates at the hostel was Jeep. He’s a proper party animal, always ready for a good time and never saying no to a drink and I mean never! Jeep’s lets say “adventurous spirit” kept us exploring new places, though I quickly learned he could drink a bit too much. His antics made every night out unpredictable and loads of fun. From drink offs, beer bongs to getting lost in the city, Jeep ensured there was never a dull moment. Then there was Afro, a local Egyptian guy with a genuine heart of gold. Afro only partied on weekends—no exceptions. He claimed it was due to work, but we all knew there was more to it. Regardless, he stuck to that rule, and no amount of persuasion could change his mind. In saying all that one night, because he was sober, Afro saved me from a Polish bouncer who misunderstood a situation. This taught me it's best not to engage with them unnecessarily. I tried to give the bouncer a friendly dab up and called him "bro," but it backfired, and I was about to be thrown out. Fortunately, Afro's calm and collected nature prevailed, and the bouncer let me leave on my feet with my dignity intact. Afro's steady demeanor balanced out Jeep's wild side, and I knew I had made solid friends. His level-headedness was a comforting presence, always there to keep the peace and ensure everyone had a good time without going overboard.   The Statue Incident One night, Jeep's wild side led to one of the most memorable (and nerve-wracking) experiences of my time in Krakow. After a particularly lively pub crawl, we found ourselves in the main square, right by the famous Adam Mickiewicz monument. In his inebriated state, Jeep decided it would be a brilliant idea to climb the statue. He was halfway up, shouting triumphantly, when the local police spotted us. Panic set in as we saw them approach, knowing full well that Jeep’s antics could land us in serious trouble. We quickly tried to coax him down, but the police reached us before we could succeed. Afro, with his calm demeanor, stepped forward to speak to the officers. He explained the situation, emphasizing that Jeep meant no harm and was just a bit too enthusiastic after a night out. I chimed in, using my limited Polish to express our apologies and promise it wouldn’t happen again. After what felt like an eternity, the officers finally relented, giving us a stern warning instead of hauling us off to the station. We helped Jeep down from the statue, promising the police we’d get him back to the hostel without any more trouble. It was a close call, but it brought our little group even closer together. Romantic Interest Working at the hostel also brought a pleasant surprise. I met Kasia, a receptionist with a charming smile and a laugh that could light up a room. We often exchanged travel stories during breaks, and I found myself looking forward to seeing her every day. The language barrier and cultural differences were a challenge, but with each passing day, I grew more confident in my Polish, thanks to her patient teaching. Our connection grew stronger with each conversation, and I found myself eagerly anticipating the moments we could spend together, whether it was sharing a quick coffee or exploring the city during our days off. More Polish Words Learning Polish became a fun part of my daily routine. Here are a few more phrases that came in handy: Dziękuję - Thank you Przepraszam - Sorry Kocham cię - I love you (not used yet, but good to know!) Jak się masz? - How are you? Gdzie jest...? - Where is...? Each new word I learned felt like a small victory, and using them in conversations with Kasia and the locals made me feel more connected to the culture and the city. The locals appreciated my efforts, often smiling and encouraging me to continue learning. Anticipation for What’s Next With each night out, my love for Krakow’s nightlife grew stronger. The city had a rhythm that was impossible to resist. I looked forward to more adventures, more friendships, and perhaps more Kasia. Krakow had become more than just a city to me; it was a place where I felt alive and truly myself. The experiences and connections I was making were shaping my journey in unexpected and wonderful ways. Stay tuned for Blog 4, where I explore Krakow’s hidden gems, day trips, and more culinary delights! There’s so much more to discover in this incredible city, and I can’t wait to share it all with you.  

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The First Week – Exploring Krakow’s Historic Charm

Krakow’s Old Town Exploration My first week in Krakow was full of history, culture, and fun drunken nights. During the day, I wandered through the streets of the Old Town, starting with the Main Square. As the largest medieval town square in the northern hemisphere, surrounded by historic buildings this area of krakow is very busy, full of life. The beauty of the architecture and vibrancy of the square is something I haven’t seen in many other places.  One of my first stops was St. Mary’s Basilica, a stunning Gothic church with two towering spires. The basilica is steeped in history, including the legend of the brave trumpeter who saved the city from invasion by sounding the alarm. Today, firefighters honor this hero by playing the Hejnał mariacki every hour from the taller tower, a haunting melody that stops abruptly in memory of the trumpeter's fate. It’s a bit of a local concert, and I always find myself humming along, albeit off-key. Next, I ventured to Wawel Castle, perched on a hill overlooking the Vistula River. The castle is a symbol of Polish pride and history, and its grounds include the fire-breathing Wawel Dragon statue. Yep, you read that right – a dragon that breathes actual fire! And you don't have to worry about missing it. She or He shoots his or her  shot every few minutes. The view of the Vistula River from the castle is simply stunning, especially at sunset, when the sky turns into a canvas of orange and pink.   Krakow Cultural  Immersion My cultural immersion continued with visits to the Rynek Underground Museum, where I explored the medieval history buried beneath the square, and the Schindler’s Factory, a poignant reminder of Krakow’s wartime past, having just watched the movie there were many similarities to see but also some part that were how can I say misinterpreted. Both museums are well worth a look!    Local Cuisine Of course, no trip would be complete without getting stuck into the  local cuisine. I gorged myself on many traditional Polish dishes at various local restaurants, my favorite being Restauracja Cechowa located on Jagiellonska street very close to the main square! From pierogi (dumplings) to zapiekanka (Polish-style pizza). Each meal was a delicious adventure in itself. Bigos being my favorite! A hearty stew of meat, filling, manly and delicious. I'm not even going to get into the sheer variety of pierogi fillings, could dedicate an entire blog to them alone!    Redeeming Myself  Despite my busy days, I made it a point to join the Party Animals pub crawl every night. The energy of the crawl was infectious, and it was the perfect way to meet people and experience Krakow’s nightlife, each time making new friends to explore the city with. Each night was a new adventure, and I managed to stick to Polish vodka to avoid mixing my alcohol. This tactic, combined with my trusty hangover cure, allowed me to fully enjoy each night out. At Let’s Sing, I found my karaoke song and each night belted out "Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan. I can NOT sing but as its a well known song with a catchy tune people seemed to enjoy it! The energy in the room was contagious, and we all danced and sang our hearts out. After an hour of karaoke, we moved on to my favorite clubs: La Bodega Del Ron, Prozak 2.0, and Four Music Club. Each club had its unique vibe.   Mistakes Made So far Adjusting to a new culture came with its own set of challenges. On my first visit to Żabka, a local convenience store, I mistakenly greeted an older lady with “Cześć” instead of “Dzień dobry” and didn’t address her as “Pani.” Her harsh look taught me a valuable lesson about Polish customs and respect for elders. Note to self: always use “Pan” or “Pani” for those older than you – unless you enjoy withering glares from Polish grandmothers. And mistake number two, probably a little bit more embarrassing: don’t get lured into any strip clubs in Krakow. They definitely aren’t on the level. There are a lot of promoters, and they tend to prey on drunk individuals like myself. I'll tell you the story in a later blog, don’t worry, but for now, I would rather keep my dignity.   Basic Polish Words Throughout my first week, I learned a few key phrases that helped me feel more like a local: Dzień dobry - Good morning Proszę - Please Dziękuję - Thank you Przepraszam - Sorry   Hangover Cure Balancing my daytime explorations with nightly pub crawls was no easy feat, but I developed a somewhat  foolproof hangover cure. First drink a liter of water right before before bed. Second you must get at least six hours of sleep. Third run for 30-minutes when you wake up.. This routine helped me stay energized and ready for new adventures each day. The morning run, in particular, became my secret weapon, exactly what you need to flush out of alcohol from the night before.    Anticipation for What’s Next With my first week behind me, I looked forward to the days ahead. My plans to explore Krakow, immerse myself in its culture, and continue experiencing its vibrant nightlife filled me with anticipation. Stay tuned for Blog 3, where I continue my adventures in Krakow, delve deeper into its history, and of course i'll find new and exciting ways to continue the party while for sure avoiding those pesky strip clubs!

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My Krakow Adventure Begins

Introduction Who knew a $10 Ryanair ticket could lead to the adventure of a lifetime? As soon as I clicked 'purchase,' my mind was already racing with thoughts of pierogi, medieval castles, and nightlife! Little did I know, Krakow would soon become more than just a destination – it would undoubtedly steal my heart.   Planning Phase The moment I confirmed my ticket, excitement and anticipation flooded my mind. I immediately began googling and planning my trip. My search quickly led me to the Krakow Party Animals’ pub crawl. The promise of Krakow’s famous nightlife and the chance to meet and party with fellow travelers made it an instant must-do on my itinerary. I also needed a place to stay, so I booked a room at Let’s Rock Hostel. Its central location and reputation for a friendly atmosphere made it the perfect base for my adventures. Plus, it had a communal kitchen, free Wi-Fi, and organized events, which I knew would be perfect for meeting new people and immersing myself in the local culture.   Initial Impressions As my plane touched down at John Paul II Krakow-Balice International Airport, I felt a surge of excitement. Stepping out of the airport, I was greeted by the cool, crisp air and the sight of lush greenery surrounding the city. The Uber ride into town only cost me 8 euros! But I did quickly find out Polish drivers care little for speed regulations, so be prepared for that. Arriving at Let’s Rock Hostel, I was immediately charmed by the cobblestone streets and historic architecture. The hostel was buzzing with energy, and I knew right away that I had made the right choice. After checking in, I took a moment to relax in the common area, where I met many like-minded travelers.   Accommodation Let’s Rock Hostel quickly felt like home. The staff were incredibly welcoming, and the other guests were friendly and eager to share their own travel stories. My room was cozy, with just the right amount of space to unpack and settle in. The hostel’s amenities, including a communal kitchen and free Wi-Fi, made it easy to connect with others and plan my days.   Expectations With a full month ahead of me, my itinerary was packed. I wanted to explore every corner of Krakow, starting with the historical landmarks like Wawel Castle, St. Mary’s Basilica, and the Schindler’s Factory. I was also eager to dive into the local culture, with visits to the Rynek Underground Museum and sampling traditional Polish dishes at local restaurants. But tonight, my adventure truly began with the Krakow Party Animals’ pub crawl. I had read all the amazing reviews about it, and I couldn’t wait to experience the city’s nightlife for myself.   The First Night Out As the evening approached, I made my way to the meeting point for the pub crawl but found out it actually started at my hostel! What luck! The group was a mix of travelers from all over the world, some from inside the hostel and some from outside, each with their own stories and reasons for being in Krakow. The guides were lively and welcoming, albeit a little crazy – the awesome kind of crazy if you get me – definitely setting the tone for the night ahead. Our first stop offered an hour of unlimited drinks. And when I say unlimited, I mean unlimited! The atmosphere was electric, with everyone quickly becoming fast friends. I started at the beer pong table and met my soon-to-be best mate, Thomas, who had previously told me he was also rather good at beer pong! So we put our joint skills to the test, winning game after game while also getting drunker and drunker. Drinking beer while simultaneously drinking whiskey and gin – I think I even had a bit of vodka – got me far too excited! We then went downstairs to Let’s Sing! A karaoke bar which would later become one of my favorite places! We were told we would be in the bar for an hour, so if we wanted to sing, we better go put our songs on the list. While waiting, we all danced to the songs sung by other guests, some great and some really not so great but all equally entertaining. By this point, however, the mixing of all the different alcohols and the fact that I was not an avid drinker decided my fate. My fate was not set to finish this pub crawl.   Reflection My first night in Krakow set the tone for an unforgettable journey. The Krakow Party Animals pub crawl was more than just a tour, it was pure fun and enjoyment. Even though I didn’t finish the tour, I had more fun than I’ve had in years and I realized I had barely scratched the surface of what Krakow had to offer. In reflection, I won’t mix my alcohol and I’ll pace myself, hopefully resulting in a complete pub crawl the next time I join. Because no doubt there will be a next one!   Anticipation for What’s Next With my first night out a success “haha”, I looked forward to the days ahead. My plans to explore Krakow’s historic charm, immerse myself in its culture, and continue experiencing its vibrant nightlife filled me with anticipation. Stay tuned for Blog 2, where I dive into Krakow’s historic charm, visit iconic landmarks, and continue my nightlife adventures with Krakow Party Animals – maybe getting to finish it this time!  

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